Thursday, September 10, 2009


We were able to make a trek down to Jekyll Island for the annual Master 4-H, Ben and I are not Master 4-H-ers.....I've never done anything remotely 4-H-associated....But Ben's family are all into 4-H and all of his aunts/uncles/and his mom Mastered in their fields when they were younger, so we are all able to go to the beach every Labor Day Weekend for a nice trip and family togetherness.  Here's some photos of the trip.

Ben and I among Jekyll Island's Historic Millionaire Village

Ben's sister, Elizabeth, and her daughter, Ana Sofia, in Millionaire's Village

And in other local news, Ben got an early birthday gift from my mom and dad.....a GRILL!  yay!  So now we can have some yummy grilled veggies and he's excited about steaks and kabobs!

Here he is with the grill that he is so proud of (especially since it required assembly on his part--that's how he spent his morning today).

We'll check back in later!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Food and Flowers

So, as promised we will discuss my cooking on here (because we know you all care!  haha!).  So, this week I prepared 3 home cooked meals (only 2 will be shown-forgot to take pictures of the other).  Monday night was Crunchy Barbeque Chicken, Wednesday night was Pizza Bake, and Thursday night was Chicken Ranch Pizza.  All were delicious and here are pictures to make your mouths water!  :)

This is the Pizza Bake.  Yummy!

And this is the Chicken Ranch Pizza.  It was SUPERB!  We will definitely be having this one again!

And now, for the other subject in our "Title".....Flowers.  We did a little yard work around here this weekend, with Ben fertilizing the lawn before the storms on Friday night and then cutting the grass and weedeating on Saturday and then me doing some little planters for the front entrance.  Here's how the planters turned out:

So, life is moving along just grand around here.  As soon as we clean the house up some we will take pictures of the inside and post them for all of you who have been unable to see it yet!  Happy Sunday!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

With a delayed entrance into the world wide web....

We proudly introduce you all to Allegra!  aka Allie!  We adopted her from the Atlanta Humane Society in May for my birthday (hence the bow around her neck in one of the pictures above) and she and Stella quickly became friends!  We can't picture our little family without her now!  She and Stella are VERY happy with the recent move especially since it meant that they now have yard to play and run in, and mysterious noises to bark at without apartment mates getting mad.  As you can understand, we all appreciate living in the 'burbs!  Well, this now makes two posts in one day from our house, but maybe tomorrow we can update you all on my most recent dinners.  They've been really good this week!

Oh my! Two days in a row!!

That's right.  Two days in a row.  Unbelievable.  I couldn't update this thing twice in a month before.  Anyway, Sarah is now an administrator on the blog, so she'll certainly be on here more than me.  You will also notice our new domain name and title.  We thought it was sort of rude to not include Allie.  She's getting some pics up here soon, too.  She's happy about that.  That's all for now.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

And we're back!

Well, sorry about the hiatus. To be honest, not a whole lot has been going on. We are going to make sure we update the blog lots from now on. Our primary reason is that we have a new house!!! This makes us very excited. Plus, we like to see what other people do cooking, in their yards, painting their walls. We plan on doing lots of cooking, some yard work, and a little painting in a year or two. So, we want everyone to comment on our stuff. Give us ideas and we'll do the same for you! Look for pictures soon. I just want you to know that WE'RE BACK! Here is a picture of our new house...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

March showers

It has been raining A TON lately, and that doesn't appear to be changing anytime soon.  So, today while out running errands, we saw this doggie raincoat....and couldn't resist buying it to see if Stella would like it.  And she did!  So now she doesn't have to get so wet and stinky when we go out for potty walks!  YAY!

We are all enjoying living in the city.  And Stella is doing well in the apartment.  No problems yet.  We do enjoy having everything so convenient and close.  It's great!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Oops, I forgot some...

Here are some more pictures of the kitchen and dining room.  There is also one of our bedroom and bathroom.  Not much else to say.  It's a nice place to start, that's for sure.  

The Humble Abode

Well, this is the new place.  Oh look...there I am.  We like it, and it is pretty quiet here in the Big City.  These are of the living room and dining room.  You can also see some of the kitchen here.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Wedding day has come and almost gone......

So, today is a day that will be remembered......we got married and are now officially a little family.  And offical residents of Atlanta!  That's exciting!!  :)  Going to the courthouse was definitely easy and while we missed having some family there, we are looking forward to celebrating with everyone next weekend!  PA was our witness, photographer, and "best man" (a modern day jack-of-all-trades, he is!).  So, here's some pictures of the big day.  Maybe once we get the apartment cleaned up a good bit we will take some pictures of it.  

Good night everyone!

Love from ATL, 

Ben, Sarah, and Stella